Douglas Jacoby Podcast

05—Forty Days with James: God’s Perfect Gifts

Episode Summary

Douglas continues his series on Forty Days with James, today looking at God’s Perfect Gifts.

Episode Notes

For additional notes and resources check out Douglas’ website.

Reflection 5, "God's Perfect Gifts," unpacks James 1:16-18.

  1. Don’t be deceived. Don’t crack and crumble under the pressure of trials – don’t cave in!
  2. This requires us to think correctly about reality, about God.
  3. God is not fickle. He is good, and gives good gifts.
  4. He created the light(s), and he gave us new birth through the Word (see also 1 Pet 1:23; Eph 5:26).
  5. This birth contrasts with the “birth” of v.15!
  6. The life that we live requires sincere dedication to Him.


Next: Listening & Looking