Douglas Jacoby Podcast

IC.10-The Imitation of Christ, 10—Knowledge / Wisdom / Not believing everyone

Episode Summary

Douglas continues his series on The Imitation of Christ, today looking at Knowledge / Wisdom / Not believing everyone.

Episode Notes

For additional notes and resources check out Douglas’ website.

Today's podcast (12 minutes) blends together excerpts from "Knowledge in Truth," "Wisdom in Action," and "Not Believing Everyone" (Book 1, Chapters 3 and 4, and Book 3, Chapter 45).

Scriptures: Rom 1:21; (Sir 19:14; 14:1; 34:9); (Tob 4:18); Ps 60:11; 37:39; (Wis 1:1); John 14:6; Rom 3:4; Matt 10:17,36; 24:23); James 3:1; Phil 3:4-8.

Application: Types of information of which we should beware: (1) Academic learning without regard for God; (2) "every bit of news" (gossip, slander, misleading portrayals in the media); (3) words of censure (if we are grounded in Christ, we may benefit, and not overreact) and praise (exalting people / their deeds can actually harm them -- esp. when they believe their own press).

Next: "On Not Trusting Oneself."