Douglas Jacoby Podcast

IC.15-The Imitation of Christ, 15—Obedience / Earthly Affections

Episode Summary

Douglas continues his series on The Imitation of Christ, today looking at Obedience / Earthly Affections.

Episode Notes

For additional notes and resources check out Douglas’ website.

Today's podcast (12 minutes) comes from two chapters in The Imitation of Christ (Book 1, Chapters 9 and 6). They are "On Obedience and Submission" and "On Earthly Affections."

v 12:15; Rom 14:17

Insights for Life:

* "It is far safer to live under authority than to be in a place of authority."* "It is safer to listen and receive counsel than to give it."* "Proud and greedy people are never at peace."* "True peace of heart is found in resisting passions, not yielding to them."


"On the Many Benefits of Obedience," "On Self-Denial," and "On the Surrender of Self"