Douglas Jacoby Podcast

IC.17 - The Imitation of Christ, Over-Anxiety / Holy Examples

Episode Summary

Douglas continues his series on The Imitation of Christ, today looking at Over-Anxiety / Holy Examples.

Episode Notes

For additional notes and resources check out Douglas’ website.

Ps 37:4
Matt 26:41
Heb 12:1; 6:12; 11:1-40
John 12:25

Application (10 areas):
* Learn from those who have gone before us (in church history, the O.T., and even in our own circle of relationships.
* Aim for "frequent and fervent prayers."
* Practice the discipline of fasting.
* Take strong (disciplined) measures to avoid sin.
* Be excellent workers vocationally on the job.
* Devote our evenings (non-work hours) to the Lord, too. All time is Christ's time.
* Practice mental (as opposed to silent) prayer throughout the day.
* Avoid time-wasting.
* Stop striving for honors. Realize that those who are zeroes in the eyes of the world may well be heroes in the sight of God.
* Renounce carelessness in all forms.

Let's all be alert, vigilant, on guard, and serious.

Next: "On the Guard of Humility" (Book 3, Chapter 7) and "On Thinking Humbly of Oneself" (Book 1, Chapter 2)