Douglas Jacoby Podcast

IC.23-The Imitation of Christ, 23—Peaceableness / Purity / Conscience

Episode Summary

Douglas continues his series on The Imitation of Christ, today looking at Peaceableness / Purity / Conscience.

Episode Notes

For additional notes and resources check out Douglas’ website.

Today's reflection (10 mins) is on three chapters of The Imitation of Christ: "On What Makes a Peaceable Person" (Book 2, Chapter 3), "On A Pure Mind and Simple Intentions" (Book 2, chapter 4), and "On the Joy of a Good Conscience" (Book 2, Chapter 6).

Scripture: Gal 5:22-23; Eph 4:2; Gal 6:2; Rom 12:18; Phil 4:8; Rom 2:9; 1 Pet 3:16; Isa 57:20-21; 2 Cor 1:12; 7:4; 1 John 3:21; Isa 48:22; Mic 3:11; Psalm 146:4; Gal 6:24; 1 Sam 16:7; 2 Cor 10:18; Mic 6:8 . Personal challenges: * Pray to better discern and overcome hypocrisy. * Pray for wholeheartedness, not halfheartedness (laziness). * Keys to good consciences include not only confession and repentance, but also learning to value God's approval over human approval.

 Next: "On the Exercises of a Righteous Person" (Book 1, Chapter 19)