Douglas Jacoby Podcast

IC.24-The Imitation of Christ, 24—Exercises of a Righteous Person

Episode Summary

Douglas continues his series on The Imitation of Christ, today looking at Exercises of a Righteous Person.

Episode Notes

For additional notes and resources check out Douglas’ website.

Our devotional (12 mins) is from "On the Exercises of a Righteous Person" (Book 1, Chapter 19).

Scripture: 2 Pet 1:5-8; Prov 16:9; Jer 10:23; Heb 12:1; Eph 6:11; Rom 8:18; Luke 12:37,42


Next: "On the Reading of the Holy Scriptures" (Book 1, Chapter 5)

THE EXAMEN:.* Gratitude: recalling the blessings of the day, thanking God.
* Review: Recall the events of the day and notice where you felt God's presence and where you resisted opportunities to grow in love.
* Sorrow: recall anything for which you are sorry.* Forgiveness: ask for God's forgiveness and/or healing, as needed.* Grace: Ask God for the grace you need for the next day or for your life in general.