Douglas Jacoby Podcast

SOTM 35-Gold

Episode Summary

Douglas continues his series on the Sermon On The Mount, looking today at Gold. This Podcast was originally published on Feb 4, 2020.

Episode Notes

For additional notes and resources check out Douglas’ website.

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 7:12).



Examples of the Silver & Golden Rules in the world’s philosophies and religions

Examples of the Silver & Golden Rules in the world’s philosophies and religions:

A Proactive Rule:

“Jesus’ Golden Rule is unique in that it requires positive action. The Golden Rule not only requires us to refrain from doing to others what we would not have done to us, but also to proactively do to others what we would want done to us. It is not enough that we do not harm others. We also must actively be doing good things to our neighbor. Jesus not only calls on us to turn the other cheek, but also to be peacemakers and to love our enemies. We must pray for those who persecute us, give to the poor, and forgive others. All of these are the outworking of love.”—David Bercot

As one commentator has pointed out, "The Golden Rule [is] just eleven words; by contrast, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the U.S. government's attempt to oblige ethical character into the financial statements of American corporations, has eleven titles (major sections). It is one of the most complicated pieces of legislation in the history of the American republic and, in the economies of scale, places a disproportionate burden on small companies which were not the cause of the adoption." (Richard David Ramsey, "Business Ethics in the Sermon on the Mount," Leaven: A Journal of Christian Ministry (Pepperdine University), vol.16, no.4, Fourth Quarter 2009. How convoluted are human attempts to exact honesty and fairness! How simple is the command Jesus gave us!

In short, the Golden Rule is more easily repeated than followed.

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