Douglas Jacoby Podcast

To Marry or Not To Marry: The Old Testament

Episode Summary

Douglas continues his series: To Marry or Not To Marry. Today, looking at The Old Testament.

Episode Notes

For additional notes and resources check out Douglas’ website.

Podcast notes:

Exod 21:10-11: If a married man takes a second (slave) wife, then the food, clothing, and sexual love—material support plus emotional support—received by the first wife must not be reduced. If the husband reneges, the first wife may be released from the marriage.

Deut 24:1-4: The purpose of the divorce certificate was to protect the woman against future claims by her husband, thus enabling her to remarry. (A certificate not needed by a man, since he could marry any Jewish woman he wanted—as polygamy was condoned in the OT.)

Mal 2:16


British scholar David Instone-Brewer